Article 4. Housing Code
§9-401 Falls City Code §9-402
Article 4. Housing Code
certain minimum standards, provisions, and requirements for safe
and sanitary maintenance of existing structures and premises, the
International Property Maintenance Code, 2006 Edition, as published
by the International Code Council, Inc. in book form, is hereby
incorporated by reference as though printed in full herein except
that the following sections of which are hereby revised; Section
101.1. Insert: City of Falls City, Section 103.6. Insert: Permit
fees shall be governed by the provisions set out in Chapter 3,
Article 10 of the Falls City Municipal Code, Section 303.14.
Insert: May 1 to September 30. Section 602.3 Insert: October 1 to
April 30. Section 602.4. Insert: October 1 to April 30. Delete
Section 111 and all subparts thereto except for subpart 111.1 which
shall read as follows: 111.1 Application for Appeal. Any person
directly affected by a decision of the code official or a notice or
order issued under this code shall have the right to appeal to the
board of adjustment provided that a written application for appeal
is filed within 20 days after the day the decision, notice or order
was served. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim
that the true intent of this code or the rules legally adopted
thereunder have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of
this code do not fully apply, or the requirements of this code are
adequately satisfied by other means, or that the strict application
of any requirement of this code would cause an undue hardship. One
(1) copy of the International Property Maintenance Code, 2006
Edition, is on file at the office of Municipal Clerk and is
available for public inspection at any reasonable time. (Ref. 17-
1001, 18-132, 19-901, 19-922 RS Neb.) (Amended: Ord. #2002-103;
Ord. #2008-104)
§9-402 HOUSING CODE; SWIMMING POOLS. No person shall construct
any outdoor swimming pool in the Municipality until a building
permit shall have been obtained from the Municipal Clerk. The
Municipal Clerk shall furnish a form upon which application is
made, which form shall request all the information made necessary
by ordinance. Such pool shall be appurtenant to the private
residence of the owner and shall have a fence constructed around
the pool so that small children are not able to enter the pool area
inside the fence except through the residence or gate which at all
times shall remain locked, except when in use by the owner. In no
case shall the fence required by this section be less than six feet
(6′) high. Failure to construct a fence around the pool or failure
to keep any gate in said fence locked when not in use shall be
deemed an offense and a nuisance, and as such, shall be penalized
as provided in this Chapter, or as provided in the Health and
Sanitation Chapter of this Code.